Thursday, May 22, 2014

Who, What, Where, When and Why of the Watergate Scandal

The watergate scandal was where several robbers were found inside the Democratic National Committee. At first they thought it was just a normal robbery but it was far from ordinary. They eventually found that these men were linked to Nixon's reelection campaign.
James McCord, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Frank Sturgis, and Bernard Barker were the five robbers that were a part of Nixon reelection campaign. These men were found trying to wire tap phones and steal illegal documents. No one really knew if Nixon knew about the scandal at this time but later he paid a lot of money to try to stop the FBI from investigating them.
The Watergate Scandal was in 1972 during Nixon's reelection campaign. Nixon was elected president in 1969 and ended his presidency in 1974. When he resigned because of this Watergate Scandal Gerald Ford took over the presidency.
Scandal happened in Washington D.C. in the Watergate building. The Watergate building was used for a hotel which you can still visit and stay in today. Watergate in the political world is a synonym of corruption and scandal.
It was questioned then later confirmed that these men were trying to recover secret documents and wiretap phone lines. Also it was confirmed that Nixon had secretly recorded all of the conversations in the white house. He wouldn't give up the tapes until the supreme court finally ordered him to give up the tapes. On the tapes they found Nixon talking about they robbery and the cover up for it. So knowing that he would be impeached he resigned on August 9, 1974.

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